Those on entrecard have read about the accusations of one of the member.
He thought it fit to pull people through the mud based on behaviour which is a TOS violation.
I would have appreciated it when the person would have informed me of his intention to degrade me to pavement level.
Because I'm not online all the time, I just found out. And I'm disgusted by his behaviour.
To my surprise entrecard has already looked into the matter and it's made clear that not cleaning your temporal files enabled you to drop on non-refreshed sites. This means om sites that used to have a widget but don't have a widget anymore.
Thank you entrecard for solving this matter surprisingly fast.
I heard that the sites of friends of my autism team were removed from his site today.
They commented on his accusations.
Well, I won't.
I don't have to answer to him.
And I don't like the fact that he stirred other blogging communities too and he always is able to get people to his site. I bet he's well compensated for the statistic downfall he says he experiences, but which I doubt he had.
He created a new blogpost with the comments.
Well, I don't want to be used.
Thank you entrecard visitors for staying as visitors of my blog.
And when you leave, please let me know so I can remove you from my droppinglist.